Program for the 25th Anniversary Congres of the Vereniging Basisinkomen
Stayokay Maastricht, Maasboulevard 101, 6211 JW Maastricht (tel: + 31 (0) 43 750 17
29 january 2016
General Meeting Dutch Association for Basic Income
Dutch spoken
- 13:00 Open house, drink (with “vlaai” – tipical Maastricht treat)
- 14:00-17:00 Sharing experiences gained during the campaign by members of our base teams
Further program for this afternoon will be announced - 18:00 Communal dinner in the StayOkay (so anyone who arives can join the meal)
- 19:30 Possibility to take a short trainingcourse for the following Salsa night.
(please register in advance for this too. The fee for it will be € 3,00) - 20:00 Salsa dancing
30 january 2016
International Congress on experimenting with a partial basic income
English spoken
- 9:30 Walk-in and registration, coffee / tea in the restaurant
- 9:45 Opening by alderman Maastricht
- 10:00 Guy Standing:
What role for a modest participation income?
- 10:30 Time for questions and answers
- 11:00 Break
- 11:05 Sjir Hoeijmakers:
Status quo of the experiments in the Netherlands to be (or not to be)
- 11:35 Time for questions and answers
- 12:00 Lunchtime
- 13:30Otto Lehto/ Markus Kanerva:
The State of the Finnish UBI-Project
- 14:00 Time for questions and answers
- 14:30 Bono Pel en Julia Backhaus
Short presentation of a case-study about the processes around Basic Income (BIEN, The Netherlands, Germany)
- 15:00 Time for questions and answers
- 15:30 Break
- 16:00 Philippe van Parijs:
What role for a modest participation income?
(e.g. an Eurodividend)
- 16:30 Time for questions and answers
- 17:00 Enno Schmidt
Status quo of the Basic Income Experiment Switzerland
- 17:30 Time for questions and answers
- 18:00 Communal dinner in the StayOkay (so anyone can join the meal)
- 20:00
Forum Debat
Guy Standing – Philippe van Parijs – Sjir Hoeijmakers – Enno Schmidt – Otto Lehto – Markus Kanerva
Promises and limits of pilot projects and controlled experiments. Do we need more schemes for them or not?
Discussion with all attendees
- 22:00: Whatever
31th of January 2016 UBIE general assembley
- 10:00 Opening
- 10:00 Erica Scott, Sérgio Alvès and Wiebke Fercho:
The Stories we tell: How our stories form values and how we the idea and initiative of the Unconditional Basic Income can bring in Europe closer to the people.
Results of a survey in the framework of a master thesis for “Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability” at the Blekinge Institute of technology (Karlskrona, Sweden)
- 10:30 Time for questions and answers
- 10:50 Break
UBIE General Assembly Agenda
- 11:00 for agenda see http://basicincome-europe.org/ubie/program-ubie-general-assembly-31-january-2016-maastricht/